List of Plants that are Poisonous for Pets
Autumn Crocus
Calla Lilly
Day Lily
Easter Lily
Angel's Trumpet
Tiger Lily
Lily of the Valley*
Sago Palm
Japanese Pieris*
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow plant
Elephant's Ear
*denotes plants that pose the highest cardiotoxic risk
Pretty Poison
Oh, it can't be! How can such pretty flowers be poisonous for our pets? The list at left includes some of our favorite spring flowers such as Foxglove and the ever-so-sweet Lily of the Valley. This list is pretty long, but there are at least 700 more known plants that produce physiologically dangerous substances that can be toxic for dogs and cats.
The effects of ingesting these plants range from mild nausea to death. The effects of these poisons are related to the pet species, pet's size, and the amount ingested. If you see any of these signs, it is imperative that you call your vet immediately:
• Excessive salivation
• Vomiting
• Racing or Irregular Pulse
• Lethargy
• Rapid Breathing
• Cold Extremities
If your furry friend is showing any of these signs, call us and we will offer immediate advice or assistance!